

Manage your data projects' computing and storage resources.

πŸ—‚οΈ Resources Overview

The Resources section is accessible from both the main menu and the side menu of the Orchestrator. It is dedicated to managing the data of your computing projects and handling resource storage.

Resources section in main menu

πŸ› οΈ Resource Tools

πŸ“¦ Data Repository

The Data Repository is a centralized place where both structured and unstructured data are stored and managed. It helps organize and access data efficiently.


Repositories Query Language

All repositories use SQL as their query language.

Repositories integrate native ARPIA tools such as DataPipes, DataForms, Alert Rules, and more. Below is a description of the available tools:

Repository ToolDescription
DataObjectManage repository objects such as Tables and Views.
DataPipesCreate data extraction lines from external sources to ARPIA repositories, allowing table mapping and extraction of copies or changes.
DataFormsCreate forms for data collection (field or online), mapped to repository tables.
Alert RulesCreate threads that analyze data based on SQL or Kubes, sending notifications on found events.
Projects MLCreate recurring processes for complex calculations, with results sent to a repository table.
KubesA Visual Designer for creating Data Cubes for Presentations, Dashboards, and Insights.
BucketsStore images and documents from DataApps.

πŸ’» Computing

The Computing section manages data processing tasks like calculations, analysis, and simulations. It also tracks the monthly use of credits and provides a summary of computing resource usage.

Computing Resources


Credits and Billing Management

For more details on credit usage and billing, please refer to the Billing and Credit Management section.

πŸ—ƒοΈ Bucket Storage

Bucket Storage organizes data into objects (files) rather than blocks or sectors, making it scalable and flexible. It is ideal for storing large amounts of unstructured data like images, videos, and documents.

Bucket Storage

By organizing the Resources section in this way, ARPIA provides a seamless and intuitive experience for managing data, computing, and storage across projects.