

The Calendar screen doesn't any objects or elements, it based only on the use of the calendar, this calendar have 5 properties we use to configure its visualization and usage. These are:

Repository & Table for Calendar

In the Repository & Table for Calendar we would choose the repository where we have the table with the dates information we want to show on the calendar, additionally we can set a Relational key to relate the primary table with a detail table.

Calendar Settings

The Calendar settings allows to customize the calendar title, view options and when the calendar start, it have multiple configurations on how the calendar is visualize and the actions that can directly be used in the calendar like adding and editing events. Here we also link the Start Date, End Date and Event Title columns, additionally we can set a Boolean column to set if the events its all day.

Header Options

The Header options allows us to set a Header for the calendar and customize it with action buttons that can be linked with screens or external URLs

Add Event Form

In the Add Event Form section, we can design the form for the event addition and edition option.

Event Link