
Data Objects

Manage the objects that are in your repositories

Data Objects Overview

Data objects are a discrete piece of data imported into ARPIA from various sources, serving as the building blocks for data operations. This enables users to filter, transform, and aggregate data effectively. This tool allows you to manage objects in repositories. You can create tables or views, import data into tables, edit data, and add events.

Repository Management Tool

With this tool, you can manage objects in your repository:

  • Create Tables: Import and edit data efficiently.
  • Create Views: Virtual tables created dynamically from existing physical tables.
  • Add Events/Triggers: Automate actions when specific table events occur.
  • Prepared Tables: Enhance performance through indexing, data compression, and data clustering.
  • Table Snapshots: Create copies of table data at specific moments for backups or historical analysis.


The ARPIA Repository Management Tool provides comprehensive functionality to manage your database objects effectively. By following the steps and utilizing the features outlined in this guide, you can streamline your data management processes, enhance performance, and automate actions to ensure efficient and effective data handling.