
Header Menu

🌐 ARPIA Overview

ARPIA provides easy access to a variety of tools directly from the header.

ARPIA header tools

πŸ“‹ Header Tools Menu

From left to right, these are the header tools:

πŸ”Ž Semantic Search

The Semantic Search is part of ARPIA's AI-powered tools. It allows you to ask questions about data and projects within your platform.



To configure this tool, make sure to set up the AI General Settings in the ARPIA Intelligence section. More details can be found in the ARPIA Intelligence documentation.

Semantic Search screen

⚠️ Alerts

This icon displays all alerts and notifications generated by the Alert Rules in your Work Area.

Alerts screen

πŸŒ™ Dark Mode

The Dark Mode tool switches your User Interface to a dark background with light text, reducing eye strain and providing an alternative aesthetic.

Dark Mode screen

πŸ”— Share URL

The Share URL tool allows you to share your current Work Area view with others.

Share URL screen

πŸ” Search Data Apps

This tool allows you to easily search for your Data Apps by name, helping you locate them quickly. Additionally, you can organize your Data Apps by dragging and dropping them into your preferred order. This arrangement will be reflected on the ARPIA Home screen.

πŸ› οΈ Orchestrator

The Orchestrator icon provides access to the Orchestrator main menu and developer tools.

Orchestrator icon

πŸ‘€ User Menu

The User Menu offers easy-to-use options for managing your account:

User tools

  • My Profile: Access and configure your name, email, phone number, password, and language settings.


Language Options

Currently, only English and Spanish are available.

  • Change Workarea: Switch between Work Areas you have access to.
  • Create Workarea: Create a new Work Area.
  • ARPIA Desktop: Download the desktop version of the ARPIA platform.
  • Sign Out: Log out of your current session.

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