
How to create an App Droplet

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access App Droplets in Orchestrator

On your Orchestrator Home page, go to the App Droplets option.


Step 2: Create a New App Droplet

You will be directed to a new window displaying all the App Droplets you have created. To create a new App Droplet, click the + button..

Create DataPipe

Step 3: Fill Out the App Droplet Form

A new screen will open where you need to fill it out to create the App Droplet.

App Droplet Configuration

The following table explains each part of this form in detail:

Server NameThe name you want to provide to the server for identification purposes.
Server AddressThe IP address or domain name of the server where your web application is hosted. This could be an IP address (E.g or a domain name (
Server PortThe network port number of which the server listens for incoming request.
SSH UserThe username used to log in the server via the Security Shell (SSH)
SSH PasswordThe password associate with the user
Remote DirectoryThe directory on the server where your web application files are stored.
Public AddressThe address that users can use to access your web application.
Framework InstalledThe web development framework installed on the server for running your application. This could be either PHP or Python.

Step 4: Create the App Droplet

After filling out the form, click the SAVE button.

App Droplet Actions

After successfully creating your App Droplet, you have 3 available options in the App Droplet main menu screen.

App Droplet actions
  • TERMINAL:Let you directly to your server terminal.
  • EDIT: Allows you to access the configuration form to make changes to the initial setup if needed.
  • INACTIVATE:Actions use to erase your App Droplet.