
Filters Overview

Filters are integral to the Insight section, enabling us to organize configured data more effectively across various visualization options outlined in the Insight article.

Filter Screen

Types of Filters

Filters can be of the following types:

Filter TypeDescription
NormalComparison filters with a specific value.
Multiple ValuesThis type of filter compares a list of values that must apply. In normal SQL, it is considered as IN and NOT IN
Field to FieldThis type of filter allows applying a filter on a specific field, against the value of another field within the same KnowGraph.
Numeric RangeCompares that the chosen numeric field is within the specified range in this filter.
Date RangeAllows filtering a date-type field within a specified date range in this filter.
Logged-In ARPIA UserCompares a KnowGraph field against the user who has started their session at that moment.
Global Variable
from DataApp
Compares a field with the global variable previously configured in an application screen.