
πŸ” Filters Overview

Filters are an essential feature in the Insights section, allowing users to organize and refine data across different visualization options outlined in the Insights article.

Filter Screen

πŸ› οΈ Types of Filters

Filters come in several types, each designed for specific data comparisons:

Filter TypeDescription
NormalComparison filters with a specific value.
Multiple ValuesCompares a list of values (similar to IN and NOT IN in SQL).
Field to FieldApplies a filter on a field by comparing it to another field in the same KnowGraph.
Numeric RangeFilters data by checking whether the selected numeric field falls within a specified range.
Date RangeFilters data based on a date field within a given date range.
Logged-In ARPIA UserFilters data by comparing a KnowGraph field to the currently logged-in ARPIA user.
Global Variable from DataAppCompares a field with a global variable previously configured in a DataApp screen.

πŸ’‘ Key Takeaways

  • Normal and Multiple Values filters are ideal for comparing static values.
  • Field to Field filters allow more dynamic comparisons within KnowGraphs.
  • Range filters (numeric and date) help refine data by specific ranges.
  • User-specific filters personalize data for the currently logged-in user.
  • Global Variables allow filters to pull data from application-defined variables, enhancing flexibility in DataApps.