
Insights Overview


Insights is the section where all the KnowGraphs assigned to your user profile by the account administrator are located.

To enter a specific KnowGraph, simply click on the selected one from the list to open the KnowGraph viewer.

KnowGraph Visualization Options

In Insights, it is possible to configure how KnowGraph data is visualized. Here are the available options:

Detailed View

The detailed view allows showing the data in detail as it is in the KnowGraph. You can choose whether to show all fields of the KnowGraph or specific ones.

Options for detailed view include:

  • Column View (default)

  • Group View: You can group details by a specific field; for example, if we group by the industry field, we would have a result like the following:

  • Form View: Displays data by records in form format.

Grouped View

This type of view allows you to group and summarize KnowGraph data to see it in a summarized way. We will group the data by the industry field, you can also use a value field that will be a counter of the data in this example, belonging to a certain industry.


Maximum Number of Grouped Levels

Currently, ARPIA allows up to a maximum of 4 levels of grouping. However, if you want more, you can use filters and then deepen as much as you need.

Graph View

Shows KnowGraph data graphically with various chart types (Line, Area, Bars, Columns, Radar, Pie, Pyramid, Funnel, Donut).


Export Graphics

The graphics engine allows exporting in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG, CSV, XLSX formats to be used according to the user's needs.


Export in Mobile App

Exporting graphics in the mobile app is disabled.

Pivot View

This visualization allows creating a pivot table of the data available in the KnowGraph.

The pivot table includes columns, rows, and value fields for detailed analysis.


Pivot Limitations

Pivots are only available for KnowGraphs connected to ARPIA repositories to avoid performance degradation.


Map Visualization

The other visualization that ARPIA has is Maps, but this section is described in another entry; you can find the link to it in the list at the end of this article.

Other Options in the Viewer

  • Sorting: Available for detailed, grouped, and graphic views.
  • Export: Exports the data in various formats applying all screen filters, including date range.


Export Format

Detailed, Pivot, Map - Exports the complete detailed report.
Grouped, Graphic- Exports the report in a table of grouped values.