
Dashboard screen

Dashboard Objects

The Dashboard screen main tools are the objects, this allows the full customization of the screen and range from title and text to the Kube Dashlet that is the main container for our Dashboards and Insights information of our Nodes.

When we add an object, the container will be seen in the Dashboard screen and we can access the settings to this object in the gear icon on the container.

The available objects for this screen are:


The Title object allows us to insert a title to the Dashboards screen, we can customize the title size in a range from H1 to H6 being H1 the biggest and H6 the smallest.


The Text object allows to introduce text to the Dashboard screen, there are different available tools to customize this text, that goes from changing the font style, bolding, underlining and highlighting, to changing the alignment and adding tables.

Kube Dashlet

The Kube Dashlet is the main object for this screen allowing us to visualize the Node information through the Insights configuration we customize for it.



With the Insights we can configure how the Node information is visualized, you can access the Insightsdocumentation for more information.

Empty Container

The Empty Container object is an advanced tool that allows us to sent information to this container through custom code or an Workshop API execution.

Date Range

The Date Range object serves as a filter, allowing users to select a date range that impact all nodes with a defined date filter field. Users can specify the filter name and the initial range to be displayed when the screen loads. The available range options include: Current Month, Last Month, Current Year, and Last Year.


The Filter object allows us to customize filters for our screen. It uses a Node as the base information source, enabling us to filter specific vectors or columns. Additionally, it can be customized by changing the filter name and type to suit our needs.


The Variable allows you to create or modify variable data that can be shared between different views.

Tab Section

The Tab Section or Tabber object allows us to easily organize Live Data visualization of information in tabs, we can also customize the tab header to write a desire needs.

Action Button

The Action Button object allows us to add an action button to our page layout. The button can be configured to do different actions depending on the type of button, it also can be customize by changing the button label, icon, color and placement on the screen.

Data Table

The Data Table object presents node information as a list. It has three tabs: List, Options, and Form Layout. Each tab allows various configurations for displaying, editing, and managing data.

Data Map

The Data Map object allows us to link geographic data layers from our Nodes to show in a map, to be able to use this object you need to have an MapBox Integration API Token.


MapBox Integration

For guidance on what is the MapBox Integration and how to use it you can visit the Integrationsdocumentation.