
How to create Alert Rules

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Alert Rules section

From your Orchestrator Home page, select the Alert Rules option.

Alert Rules

Step 2: Create a new Alert Rule

Then select the Repository where you want to create the Alert Rule. You can then select the + or + CREATE ALERT button to create an Alert Rule.

Create Alert Rule

Step 3: Fill the New Alert Rule form

A new window will open where you need to configure the Alert Rule. First, enter the name for your Alert Rule, and then select the Repository.

Configure Alert Rule

Step 4: Select to use a Node or SQL

Next, choose whether to apply the Alert Rule using a Node or SQL.

Apply Alert Rule

Step 5: Select the fields and add a Filter for the Node option

If you select Use node/Kube, you need to choose the Kube, desired Fields, and add a Filter for the alert to be triggered.

Use Kube

Step 6: Select the Use SQL

If you select Use SQL, you first need to write the Trigger SQL and then test it by clicking the SEE SQL RESULT button.


Step 7: Select the notification configuration

Next, choose who should receive the alert in Notification Recipient, select the type of channel where the alert will be sent, with email notifications being the primary method. Finally, choose the execution time of the alert, which can be every 5 minutes to 1 year.

Notification Settings

Step 8: Enter the notification title

Then enter the notification title in Notification Title, the notification content in Notification Body, and select Enable Alert Rule if you want to send the notification by email.

Notification Content


Kube or SQL Information

To send information from the Kube or Trigger SQL, use the Notification Body field and place the column name between % as follows: %column_name%

Step 9: Save your Alert

Click the SAVE button.

Step 10: See you newly created Alert in the Alert Rules section

Finally, you will see your Alert Rule listed and enabled.

Alert Rule List

This is how you create an Alert Rule. In the following screenshot, you can see how alerts arrive in email.

Email Alerts


Alert Rules via Telegram, Discord or SLACK

To learn how to send alert rules via Telegram, Discord or SLACK refer to the following documentation, Integrate Alert Notifications to Telegram, Discord and SLACK