
Details of the Operation of Actions in ARPIA


The Actions module enhances the processing of data entering a data node by following a predefined flow of actions for each purpose. This document outlines how information is filtered, processed, sent, and analyzed.

Action Listing Section

This section lists all actions related to the current repository, detailing their names and associated nodes. It also displays the status of each action (active, paused, or inactive). Note that nodes can have multiple related actions for various purposes.

Action Listing Section

Action Details

Each action is divided into three subsections, providing detailed information about the action and its flow.

Action Flow Section

This section visually represents how the action processes incoming data. Users can add conditionals or alerts based on specific details.

Action Flow Section

Condition Node

The Condition Node allows users to create different conditions for incoming data, directing the flow based on affirmative or negative outcomes. This node can be used at any point in the action flow.

Condition Node

Node for Modifying Knowledge Node

This node enables the insertion, updating, and deletion of data from the knowledge node related to the action. It maps incoming data from the knowledge node to the related table for modifications. Conditions can be set to affect only specific data. The result is a modification of the table associated with the knowledge node.

Node for Modifying Knowledge Node

Node for Modifying Related Knowledge Node

Each knowledge node can be related to another through data points configured in the Data Points section of ARPIA. This node inserts detailed data into a related node or modifies it (add, update, delete). It's particularly useful when configuring complex forms in the Data App Studio module or inserting detailed data related to the main record.

Node for WebHooks

This node allows sending data via WebHook to any platform, including all fields and values of the record, to a configured address under defined parameters.

Node for WebHooks

Node for HTTP Error Code

Configure an HTTP Error Code to return a message to the REST query or log an error in the action logs section. This helps identify and troubleshoot issues in the data flow.

Node for ARPIA Alerts

Send alerts within the ARPIA platform to specific users, providing messages related to the current query records handled by the action.

Node for ARPIA Alerts

Action Edit Section

This section allows editing the name and description of the action, providing more detail about its use and facilitating search.

Action Edit Section

Logs Section

Logs detail each transaction of the action, showing how information was handled based on the action flow. Users can review errors, the reasons behind them, and monitor potential issues when adding, modifying, or deleting information.

Logs Section

Actions in the Auto API Module

Actions can be configured in the Auto API module via the PUT method. When setting up the repository, select the node and action to send information to the correct location according to the action flow. Proper mapping of data with knowledge node fields is crucial and should be verified using tools like PostMan. Results can be checked in the action logs section.

Actions in the Auto API Module

Actions in the Data App Studio Module

The action module can be used in forms within the Data App Studio. When using the Node object type, an option to choose the action for form data processing is available.

Actions in the Data App Studio Module

To save detailed information, select the related action node when creating the form's detail section. This ensures the correct node triggers data insertion upon form submission. Action tests can be viewed in the action logs section.